Thursday, October 31, 2019
Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 10
Project - Essay Example Some of the problems experienced by Elixier Company, according to the financial analyst in the accounting department, the problems range from errors caused by manual entry; which is time consuming while at the same time resource consuming due to the verification process, to issues of late payments and failure to take advantage of stipulated price discounts. The company faces the problem of different quantity and price factor for each part due to the fact that suppliers do not fulfil their contracts. Additionally, there is difficulty in the management of information in the account payable area since it involves many documents and as the company grows, so does the number of documents in circulation. This can also be explained in the sense of cost increasing with growth in any firm (Beesley, 2003). As earlier stated, the main purpose of this research is to provide insight on the stated problems that the Elixier Company undergoes within its accounting department. This will be achieved by focussing on objectives such as discovering the main issues related to Elixier’s accounting department, which is a step that has been covered as explained above. At the end of the research, it is our hope to come up with relevant solution to curb these ailing happenings. Additionally, we hope to come up with recommendations that will be useful in their performance as a company while improving their accounting department. In order to identify and provide solutions to the problems in question, it is of essence to understand the methods used. The data collection and analysis process gives a proper illustration of the scope of knowledge of the researcher and therefore validates this research. This is backed by the fact that the information was gathered from credible sources that are knowledgeable about the organization in question and its existing problems. The provision of a viable solution to Elixier’s
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Review essay on Henry Jenkins concepts Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Review on Henry Jenkins concepts - Essay Example In the contemporary world, every aspect of human life is influenced by the rapid changes in communications, storytelling and information technologies which affect the ways in which people interact with each other. As Jenkins maintains, media convergence cannot be comprehended as mere technological shift, because it alters the relationship between existing technologies, industries, markets, genres and audiences. Jenkins makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the contradictory nature of media change through the theory of media convergence which indicates sites of tension and transition in the media environment. â€Å"The American media environment is now being shaped by two seemingly contradictory trends: on the one hand, new media technologies have lowered production and distribution costs, expanded the range of available delivery channels and enabled consumers to archive, annotate, appropriate and re-circulate media content in powerful new ways; on the other hand, there has been an alarming concentration of the ownership of mainstream commercial media, with a small handful of multinational media conglomerates dominating all sectors of the entertainment industry.†(Jenkins 2004, P 33). Therefore, it is essential to comprehend that Henry Jenkins has made incredible contribution to the understanding of new media and this paper makes a reflective exploration of Jenkins as a key theorist of new media and media convergence from the perspective of its users and participatory culture. Henry Jenkins has been recognized as one of America’s most respected media analysts and he has made essential contribution to the understanding of new media and media convergence. Significantly, Jenkins makes an important attempt to expose the various cultural transformations taking place as media converge in his work Convergence
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Concepts of Family Health
Concepts of Family Health Dwayne Potenteau The purpose of this paper is to discuss a specific family member’s meaning of health, influences and holistic assessments using family health concepts. The understanding will be presented within the framework of the CAEN Decision making model, a discussion on the person’s health experience, and focusing on the concepts related to family health within the context of the client. CAEN Decision Making Model The framework used for this paper is the CAEN (Collaboration for Academic Education in Nursing) Decision making model. This model allowed me to focus and develop a process for understanding the client. The process I used was divided into 3 main points, client centered, coming to know the client, and salience/pattern recognition/health issues (CAEN, 2012). To understand my client, I incorporated a client centered approach. Focusing on client centered health, allows me to have a deeper grasp of the client’s lived experience and context. Making the family the expert not only gave them control, but improved my ability to understand their perspective (CAEN, 2012). Coming to know the client is a way to improve knowledge and understanding a family’s persona meaning of health (CAEN, 2012). I used client storytelling, conversation, and observation to obtain knowledge (CAEN, 2012). Focusing my attention and being aware of any observations allowed me to grasp and understand the clients lived experience. The information gathered led to knowledge in saliency, patterns recognition, and health issues. Saliency and pattern recognition knowledge are dependent on the Carper’s ways of knowing, plus the addition of sociopolitical knowing (CAEN, 2012). Doane and Varco note that the ways of knowing are used to inform our practice, others, and context (Doane Varcoe, p.94, 2005). Salience refers to the intentional way in which we choose or make decisions that are important, critical and relevant to the client. I achieved this through questions, dialogue, and reflective practice with the family. Pattern recognition deals with the ability to connect this information. To interpret patterns, I used the ways of knowing, analysis, deductive and inductive reasoning during the meeting with the family(CAEN, 2012). Health Issues are components that involve the client and nurse to identify and understand health related challenges (CAEN, 2012). During conversation, I was able to interpret and respond with questions to reveal the family’s resources, strengths, goals, and context. Individual’s Health Experience In understanding the lived experience, I used the aforementioned coming to know techniques to understand the client’s physical characteristics, context, social support and experience with the medical system. Physical Characteristics: The client for this paper is a middle aged Caucasian male, 63 years of age, has a wife who is 47 years old, and two sons, 16 and 18 respectively. In our conversations the father exposed information regarding his physical health. The father informed me that although he does not exercise regularly, he believes in the benefits of frequent exercise. In addition to the aforementioned exercise, the father expressed his concerns over consuming too much alcohol. He stated that he does consume alcohol daily, and during social events, he tends to over drink. Context: The father addressed economic concerns, and acknowledged that money is an indicator of health. This year in particular had been harder financially that previous years, and he commented on the stress he felt due to the financial constraints. One of his part time jobs was on the ski hill, and this year the delay in opening had reduced the household income. The family consists of a wife, and two teenage sons. Being an older father, he is aware of his energy levels, and having to raise two boys. Social Support: Another facet of health he commented on was the social aspect. The client has a large social group, and thus felt that friends were a big impact on health. He often works with friends at events to help out the community and enjoy the social aspects of volunteering. Experience with Medical system: Another component to his understanding of health was his experiences with the medical system. In particular, the client has a history connected with mental illness. His grandfather and father were both committed and passed away in institutions. The experience gave him an understanding of how the medical system treated patients with a mental illness. His experiences have changed his perception of people with a mental illness. He states that he is more compassionate and understanding due to his experience. The father also acknowledged the importance of nurses as they were the caregivers of his father and grandfather. Not only were the father’s experiences shaping his understanding of health, his growth and development also contributed to his overall meaning of health. Growth and Development Physical Development: The client is a middle aged adult, age 63. His weight was within normal range for his height. I measured his vitals, with a blood pressure, 110/75, pulse rate of 70 beats per minute and 16 respirations a minute. All of the values are within the normal range for the client. Performing the visual and hearing test resulted with normal values. The father was also aware of his sexuality, and was open to discussing his eating, elimination, and sleep patterns. The normal ranges observed in the vitals and general assessment gave him an understanding on the importance of maintaining a healthy body. Psychosocial Development: The client was accepting of his aging, and was comfortable with his physical and emotional capacities. The client did discuss some concerns about being a middle aged adult with two teenage boys. He was a little stressed on how their lives would turn out. According to Soroor and Faxlollah, the widening generation gap in social trends and technology has led to decreased effective communication between parents and their children (soroor Faxlollah, 2009). The father acknowledges this and expressed his concerns over his reduced role and lack of control over technology in the household. Family Health Concept To understand family health we can break the words into family and health. Family can be defined as two or more people bound together assuming responsibilities (Kozier et al, 2012). Health can be described by the state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, definition). The concept of family health is that if you improve a family, you improve a community (Stamler Yui, 2012). Some of the barriers that face the client’s family are the romanticized and stigmatized perceptions of family(Doane Varcoe, 2005). The influence of media on what a family should be can lead to system behavioral changes. To have a clearer understanding of context and influences we look at the health of a family by using family assessment models. I have chosen the Friedman Family Assessment model to guide me in understanding the individual’s strengths and problems within the family. Friedman’s model uses a systematic process for future planning, intervention, and evaluation (Stamler Yu, 2012, p.271). I must also address that there are numerous frameworks to choose from and due to constraints on paper size, I have selected only to use one framework. While Friedman’s family assessment contains 6 categories, I will be focusing on family structure, and family function. For this paper we will address the impact of health indicators, and health perspectives within the context of the family. Health indicators that influence the family are health behaviors such as not smoking, regular physical activity, and moderate drinking, but I will be focusing on income and education levels. Since the client did not work a large portion of the winter part time job, the wife had to take on the role of working more hours. The impact of indicators such as income potential and living costs have led the family to limit spending, and recover from previous bankruptcy. Education is another indicator that affects the family. The father did not graduate and expressed his displeasure and guilt. He stated that he often feels inadequate when conversation about academics is brought up. He feels that although education is important, he feels helpless in trying to promote education and keep an emotional connection with his sons. Health Perspectives: The family structure is assessed by observing the communication patterns, power structure, role structure, and family values (Stamler Yiu, 2012). The communication pattern I observed was usually initiated by the father. He seemed to initiate the dialogue, and the other members of the family joined in when appropriate. The father stated he is assertive, and opinionated, but acknowledge s other contrasting views. I noticed that the mother often disagreed with the father. This sharing of contrasting opinions may come from the father’s way of growing up, as men were the dominant money makers in the family. The wife in this family would be considered the money maker, and thus may contribute to the power struggle within this family. The wife is away from the homestead often, due to the nature of her work. The separation between husband and wife has also led to further disagreement and potential insecurities felt by the father. According to De Mol, Buysee and Cook, interdependence l eads to influence either directly or indirectly (De Mol, buysee, Cook, 2010). The roles of nurturing figure, decision maker, problem solver and provider have created possible conflict. De Mol states that family members need to feel wanted or appreciated by other family members (De Mol et al, 2010). The family function is assessed by observation, family affectiveness, socialization, and healthcare. Stanhope and Lancaster stress the importance of family relationships and health care as the most important aspects of family function (Stanhome Lancaster, 2008). The largest observation was the family’s affection and caring for each other. I noticed support, and communication between all the members of the family. Soroor and Fazlollah note in their study that parents should have good communication (Soroor Fazlollah, 2009). The impact has been good communication between the father and the rest of the family. Being sensitive to each member’s needs has allowed an open forum for communication. This has led to the family better handle crisis situations, such as financial problems and seek the assistance of friends and extended family. Learning Experience This experience has increased my awareness of the importance in using the CAEN decision making model and frameworks to help guide my process of assessment. The frameworks assist in focusing my assessment observations and questions. In addition to the frameworks, the use of the relational lenses is an important tool, allowing me to hone in on aspects of an individual or family’s health. The process of coming to know also allows me to understand that my beliefs and perceptions should be acknowledged, but put away when relating to the individual/family. These tools not only assist in understanding, but focus the attention to the client. Haggerty notes the need to understanding the patient’s perspective in order to allow for greater accountability, primary care, and knowledge (Haggerty, Fortin, Beaulieu, Hudon, Loignon, Preville, Roberge, 2010). These tools allow me as a future nurse to identify strengths and weakness and capacity of the individual or family. This knowledg e informs me to develop health promotion interventions, and promote optimal health. References Collaboration for Academic Education (CAEN). (2012). Part Three: Learning and Teaching in the curriculum. Author. CAEN De Mol.J., Buysee. A., Cook, W. (2010) a family assessment based on Social Relations Model. Journal of Family Therapy(32). 259 279 Hartrick Doane, G., Varcoe, C. (2005). Family nursing as relational inquiry: Developing health-promoting practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Haggerty, J., Fortin, M., Beaulieu, M., Hudon, C., Loignon, C., Preville, M., Roberge, D. (2010). At the interface of community and healthcare systems: a longitudinal cohort study on evolving health and the impact of primary healthcare from the patient’s perspective. BMC Health Services Research. (10). 1 10 Kozier, B.,Erg, G., Berman, A., Snyder, S., Buck, M., You, L. (2012). Fundamentals of Canadian Nursng Concepts, Process, and Practice (3rd Canadian ed.). Don Mills. On: Pearson . 15 Stanhope, M., Lancaster, J. (2008). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier Stamler, L, Yu, L. (2012). Community health nursing; A canadian perspective (3rd ed). Toronto. On: Pearson Soroor, P. Faxlollah, A. (2009). A qualitative study on adolescence, health and family. Mental health in Family Medicine(6). 163 – 172
Friday, October 25, 2019
How does Miller create dramatic tension between Marco and Eddie at the
How does Miller create dramatic tension between Marco and Eddie at the end of Act One? So far in the play Marco and Rodolfo have illegally immigrated to America, seeking shelter with their cousin Beatrice and her husband Eddie. Living with them is Catherine, their niece, who falls head over heels in love with Rodolfo. Eddie is not happy, as he is incredibly overprotective of Catherine. This overprotectiveness turns to jealousy, which turns into an obsession. At the end of Act One all five characters are in the living room, sharing a cosy after dinner chat. At this point of â€Å"A View From The Bridge†Eddie is feeling intensely jealous of Rodolfo and he doesn’t really understand why. He talks to Alfieri about it, yet Alfieri seems to immediately understand what is going on and just before this scene hints at the bloody outcome of this tale. Marco, too, recognizes Eddie’s feelings for Catherine, though he appears to be the only one in the family who sees it. The premonition in Alfieri’s soliloquy make the audience think. It makes them ask question like who’s going to die? How are they going to die? Why are they going to die? The audience want to know the answers to all of these questions right at the beginning of the play and will start to guess what will happen, yet they have to pay attention to understand what is going on and make predictions. The personalities of the characters greatly affect the tension of this part of the play. For example, if Marco were not so silent and still, his threat would not be so obvious. When he â€Å"takes a chair, places it in front of Eddie, and looks down at it†it is a contrast to his natural behaviour. Eddie, however, still does not get it, as he believes that the worl... ...gland, for example, where the sense of community is much less, the dramatic tension would not exist. In fact the situation would probably not have arisen at all. Catherine would have had more freedom, Eddie and Beatrice would have attended marriage counselling and most likely Marco and Rodolfo could have immigrated legally. The play would be quite boring. In conclusion, many things contribute to the tension at the end of Act One. It would be nearly impossible to have the same sort of tension if just one aspect of the play was changed. The tension would probably remain but it would be utterly different. It could be more or less effective than the way it is now, but I feel it would be more likely that a master playwright like Arthur Miller would understand what he was doing, and would try and make the play as dramatic as he could, to get his point across.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Dove Evolution of brand Essay
In 2007, Unilever’s Dove was the world ‘s number-one â€Å"cleansing â€Å" brand in the health and beauty sector. Dove Competed in all categories like cleansing bars, body washes, hand washes, face care, hair care, deodorants, anti-perspirants, and body lotion.Their competitor are P&G (Procter and Gamble’s) ivory, KAO’s Jergens, Beiersdorf’s Nivea. The first Dove Product â€Å"Beauty Bar†was launched in 1957 with campaignâ€Å" Dove Soap doesn’t dry your skin because it’s one-quarter cleansing cream†. Dove positioning their product to functionality superiority product. It’s can no longer be accepted because functionality meant different things in different categories Dove was tapped to become master brand in 2000, Dove entries in all personal categories and Dove become masterbrand. To build masterbrand needed to do something different. Dove do a process of exploratory market research, consultation with experts, conversation with women, and message testing led to â€Å" The Campaign for Real Beauty†. Now Dove success become masterbrand under the title of The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty. Dove success giving a single identity to the wide range health and beauty products. Dove also organizing for brand management to support this champaign. Read Also: Ideas for an Exploratory Essay Question & Analysis 1. What is brand in the definition of Dove ? Answer : Based on Merriam-Webster, Dove is a. a small wild bird that is related to pigeons b. a gentle woman or child c. a person who does not want war and does want peace Dove is a symbol for peace, love and honesty. Dove Brand definition is a soap that give you real beauty because its more gentle than another soap so it would not dry out your skin the way soap did. So people does not worries about dry skin if used it because it was not technically soap at all. It is milder than soap-based bars. 2. What does Dove’s market positioning in the 1950s? What is its positioning in 2007? Answer : In 1950’s The first Dove product, called a beauty bar was launched in 1957. It was positioned upon its function as a superior product that doesn’t dry out the skin the way soap did. It was marketed through a mix of marketing communication tools like the Television, print media and bill boards. The advertising message was â€Å"Dove soap doesn’t dry your skin because its one-quarter cleansing cream†which was illustrated with photographs that showed cream being poured into a tablet. The advertising aspired to project honesty and authenticity, preferring to have natural looking women testifying to Dove’s benefits rather than stylized fashion models. In 2007 Dove become a Masterbrand, its name is used for all beauty bar category in Unilever, such as deodorants, hair care products, facial cleansers, body lotions, and hair styling products. The old positioning of Dove is focus on functional superiority and it can no longer be accepted because functionality meant different things in different categories. After a process of exploratory market research, consultation with experts, conversation with women, the positioning of Dove is â€Å"The campaign for Real Beauty†. The campaign begin with using ordinary people in supermodel contexts and for books of nudes featuring plain-looking models. The result was the so-called Tick-Box campaign. In this campaign, billboards were erected and viewers were asked to phone 1-888-342-DOVE to vote on whether a woman on the billboard was â€Å"outsized†or â€Å"outstanding.†The next campaign were known internally as the Firming campaign because they promoted a cream that firmed the skin. They featured six â€Å"real†women cheerfully posing in plain white underwear. The company wanted the ads to â€Å"change the way society views beauty†and â€Å"provoke discussion and debate about real beauty.†The next step in the campaign was particularly controversial. At a Dove leadership team offsite meeting, an effort was made to engage executives in the idea behind The â€Å"Campaign for Real Beauty†by filming their own daughters discussing their self-esteem challenges. Stage four of the Real Beauty campaign involved not an advertisement, but a film. The resulting digital film was known as â€Å"Evolution†. Given its unusual length, television was not an option, and in October 2006 the film was posted to YouTube and within three months, it had been viewed three million times. 3. How did Unilever organize to do product category management and brand management in unilever before 2000? What was the corresponding structure after 2000? How was brand meaning controlled before 2000 and how is it controlled at the time of the case? Answer : Before 2000, within a product category the firm often offered multiple brands, each led by a brand manager. In effect, each brand operated as a separate business, competing with its siblings as well as the products of other firms. A staff of brand assistants executed the policies of the brand manager. Each brand manager was charged with the responsibilities of a general manager in relation to the brand, including design of strategy, delivery of profit targets, and power over many of day-to-day marketing decisions such as advertising and target promotions that were needed to achieve profitability. In 2000, Unilever began to split responsibilty for a brand between two groups, one charged with development of the brand and the other charged with building the brands in specific markets. Brand Development was centralized and global in scope. Brand Building was decentralized according to the major geographic regions in which Unilever operated. Before 2000, brand meaning controlled by Brand Manager, but at the time of case brand meaning idea is created by Brand Development but bringing to life by Brand Building. 4. Spend a little time searching blogs, using Google search, and any social media, to get a sense of what people saying about Dove today. What does this discussion contribute to the meaning of the brand? Facebook Dove Indonesia have 23.027.326 Fans Followers Dove Indonesia : 19.4K Yes, people is feel the real beauty of themselves by using Dove. Dove makes the Real Beauty. Recommendation In the Future dove must be have line extension product such as cosmetic product, to enlarge their category product, but must have same positioning with their campaign â€Å" For Real Beauty†The position must be stand for a point of view Dove can enlarge their business to retail shop (cosmetic shop) to sell all dove product and communicated their brand. To organize Brand Management, Dove under Unilever must maintain split responsibility between Brand Manager and Brand Development.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
A Review of Studio67 Restaurant Business Plan
All businesses need capital to invest. The capital may come from the pockets of the proprietors, or from lending institutions. Most businesses end up borrowing part of the capital in order to start up. The amount of loan depends on the size of the business.Lending institutions base the amount of loan and the interest of loan from the â€Å"feasibility study†of the business. If the projected return of investment has a positive and increasing figure in the next years, then it is likely that the business can get a loan with a lower interest. Thus, it is mandatory that any business submits credible, realistic, and well-researched feasibility studies of the business they are interested for the loan to get approved. (Do's and Don't of Writing a Business Plan).A Review of Studio67 Restaurant Business PlanStudio67 is a â€Å"medium-sized†restaurant in Portland, OR, that focuses mainly on serving ethnic dishes using purely organic ingredients. The business plan is brief and co ncise. The words used, too, are simple enough for any reader to understand.It gave organized parts of describing what the business is all about: the target market, its financial projection for three years, and its strategies. I can't say, however, it is a good business plan. There were a lot of parts lacking. There are questionable parts too. First, how did the business come up with the figures used in the financial projection? The figures must be based on real studies and where are they? The â€Å"Market Research†part then, is lacking. This is the part where studies from similar businesses went through.The SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis should be included too. What I see in the business plan presented were all good things of the business, but it doesn't project the threats ( in example: competitors, labor issues). (Do's and Don't of Writing a Business Plan). One questionable part here is the ownership. The statement â€Å"the restaurant will s tart out as a simple sole proprietorship, owned by its founders,†contradicts itself. (Studio67, 2.1).A sole proprietorship is owned by only â€Å"one person,†so who among the founders will be the name appearing as the sole proprietor? If all the founders own the business, then it should be called partnership. Next, the start up capital mentioned coming from the pockets of the owners is $40,000. (Studio67, 2.2). However, this contradicts 7.0 Financial Plan part of the proposal, where it said it expected to raise â€Å"$30,000.†The break-even analysis 7.1 was bleakly explained, even its chart is not what a break even chart looks like. This part should be omitted if it can't be explained right at all. This analysis should be given after all the other financial statements were presented. If I was the financier, I will reject this proposal due to lacking parts of the study. It didn't show the real market analysis to make it feasible enough.However, if the market res earch was given and the figures are credible, I can approve the $100,000 loan because the return will be realized in 3 years. The projection of sales for the first year, however, is huge, too huge to become credible for an exquisite restaurant like Studio67.I don't believe the figures projected to say it could sustainably develop the business for a long time; however, it can be possible to obtain, if the proposal comes up with better, more specific marketing strategies.ReferencesOrganic Restaurant Business Plan: Studio 67 Restaurant. 1996-2008. Palo Alto Software,Inc.Retrieved June 5, 2008.[].Do's and Don’ts of Writing a Business Plan. Arkansas Small Business Development Center.Little Rock, Arkansas: University of Arkansas at Little Rock – College of Business Donald W. Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Development. Retri eved June 5, 2008. [].Â
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