Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Internet Assignment - 1358 Words
Internet Assignment 1 EC400 Fundamental Electronic Commerce October 27th, 2012 Internet Assignment 1 How is the EC world influencing in small and large firms? Everyday more and more firms are getting involved in the e-commerce world and each of them organizes its information in a different way so they can satisfy their customers. I will analyze some firms and the way their information is arranged. 1. Enter http://www.bigboxx.com/default.asp?rand=0.9165380884126727 and identify the services the company provides to its customers. What type of EC is this? What business model(s) does Big-boxx use? This company sells products that are used in the day to day activities in an office (office and school supplies). This is†¦show more content†¦The methods of payment are direct debit, advance payment, credit card and pay pal. * E-Ticket follows the way of doing business of the previous sites offering to the customer the opportunity of printing the tickets, get an account to receive information about future events but the difference is that E-ticket works in a local way. * SuperBoletos services includes mobile application to know about the events, the buying of the tickets is the same as the others sites having the customer the opportunity to buy them online, or via customer service, also they guarantee the security of customers information. 9. Enter www.onstar.com/us_english/jsp/index.jsp. What fleet services does OnStar provide? Do they differ from the services OnStar provides to individual car owners? This company offers the service of maintenance for vehicles that are used for business purposes. It provides a review of the five main systems of the vehicles which are engine, transmission, anti-lock brakes, emissions and airbags by sending a monthly report to the fleet manager with detailed information about the vehicle such as remaining oil gas and open recalls for example. For the individual car owners the company offers maintenance as well plus someShow MoreRelatedAssignment Cover Sheet : Programme Advanced Internet Development4584 Words  | 19 Pages Whitireia New Zealand(Auckland Campus) Faculty of Business Information Technology ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET PROGRAMME ADVANCED INTERNET DEVELOPMENT COURSE CODE IT7*11 ASSIGNMENT NUMBER 1 ( MILESTONE 1) TUTOR NAME ROHINI DUTT STUDENT ID 21502156 STUDENT NAME VISHAL WADHWA DUE DATE 13 JULY 2015 DATE SUBMITTED 12 JULY 2014 I certify that this is my own work: Student Signature NB: Assignments will not be accepted without a certification signature. 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